Syllabus 2018-19

F. A. 141 Building Arts Foundation
Winter 2018-19

Location: Doering
Class times: M W 3:00 – 5:50PM
Course credits: 3
Instructor: Mr. Kenneth Leap
Office Hours: M W 2 – 3PM
or feel free to call me any time for an appointment:
Cell Phone: 609 682 0456

Building Arts Foundation is a studio workshop addressing the elements and principles of design (line, color, shape, texture, space, form, value, unity, balance, variety, scale, proportion, rhythm, emphasis). The foundation course serves as an introduction to the Building Arts curriculum by focusing on fundamental design and drawing principles essential to all craft disciplines. Students are presented with visual problems to solve on a weekly basis that relate to lecture topics. Students learn to communicate ideas, design and execute projects through sketches, hand drawings, and 3D models. Students should view their participation in this course as a time to acquire foundational skills, develop visual curiosity, research, and experiment. Emphasis is also placed on accuracy and craftsmanship.

COURSE GOALS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES (linked to assessment tools)
Successful professionals in the Building Arts require visual communication skills in addition to fluency in written and verbal communication. The goal of this class is to equip students with the skills necessary to effectively communicate design ideas through sketches, technical drawings, and models.

Goal I. Accurately record and convey visual information in a drawing
             Learning Outcomes:
1.      demonstrate ability to
a.       measure and record proportion by eye
b.      use perspective and shading to render 3D form
                                                            Assessed by:  
                                    i. classwork and homework exercises                                                             ii. individual and group critique
Goal II. Read and create drawings to scale
            Learning Outcomes:
                        1. demonstrate ability to
                                    a. enlarge and reduce using a grid
                                                b. create a measured drawing
                                                c. read and produce orthographic drawing
                        Assessed by:  
                                    i. classwork and homework exercises
                                    ii. individual and group critique
Goal III. Explore various mediums and techniques
Learning Outcome:
            1. demonstrate ability to:
a. Use graphite, charcoal, and white chalk to describe form and shading in design renderings
b. Work 3-dimensionally using additive, subtractive and constructive techniques in glass, metal, stone and other media
                                                            Assessed by:
                                                                        i. Classwork and homework exercises
                                                                        ii. individual and group critique                                                                                 
Goal VI. Develop research skills and creative problem solving
Learning Outcomes:
            1. Demonstrate ability to work independently outside of class
                                                a. find solutions not presented in class demos
                                                b. find materials and techniques to complete assignments
                                                c. use the internet, library and other resources
                                    Assessed by:
                                                 i. assigned projects
                                                                        ii. individual and group critique
ASSESSMENT percentages
            You will be graded on your:
1.      Portfolio of classwork                                           40%
2.      Portfolio of homework                                          40%
3.      Participation in class discussion and critiques      20%                
D = Passing (some assignments missing, some concepts not totally mastered.  Apparently not enough time was spent on the projects).
C-B- = Good (all assignments completed, some concepts not totally mastered. It appears that not enough time was spent on some projects).
B/A- = Very Good (all assignments completed and all concepts mastered, sketchbook full. It is clear you put in a significant amount of time).
A/A+ = Exceptional (your projects show a visually striking, confident mastery.  It is clear that you put in a significantly higher amount of time than expected).

There is a $150 lab fee.
                            “This is a three-credit-hour studio art course, involving 55 clock hours of instructional time in the studio plus about 58 hours of work in and out of the studio for a total of 112.5 hours for the entire course, or about 11 hours per week over the ten-week term, plus about 2.5 hours of work in exam week. In general, plan on spending about one hour outside of class for every hour in class.”
You should expect to spend about 3 hours a week on your homework assignments, and another 3 hours in this studio finishing up the classroom assignments. Although the Lab is locked, you can call Security to gain access to the classroom.


Attendance is extremely important in this course.
One absence is allowed and excused, no explanation necessary. Projects will still be due the following week. A second absence will lower your participation points unless it is a medical or family emergency. A third absence and each subsequent absence will lower your grade by a letter at the end of the semester. A total of five absences (excused or unexcused) will result in a failing grade. Arrive on time and do not leave early without my permission--repeated failure to do so will affect your participation points. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to learn about the assignment and lecture from your colleagues and then contact me with any questions. You are still required to turn in projects the next class following your absence.  Do not hesitate to contact me by email or visit during office hours if you need help.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Deadlines will be clearly stated when the project is assigned. All assignments and due dates will be posted on the class webpage.

Late Work:
Late assignments must be brought to the next class meeting for partial credit. Expect to complete extra credit assignments to recover points.

Make Up Assignments:
Opportunity to receive credit: (15 points each)
            -Redo and/or further development of any assigned project or concept 
            -Artist research with written analysis of one work - 500 words
NOTE: All make up assignments must be approved by the instructor in advance.

Classroom Citizenship:
Your presence and attention at weekly lectures and critiques is essential. You will be asked to speak about your work and the work of your colleagues on a regular basis.  Please be thoughtful, honest, and respectful with your comments. See handout on “The Critique”

This course fulfills three credits toward the aesthetics requirement for the Core program.

We do not have an art support staff, if you are encountering problems which are affecting your class performance please let me know or talk to your advisor or one of our confidential councilors. Nina Philips can also help you (267 502 2518).

Bryn Athyn College is committed to making reasonable academic accommodations for students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. Students requesting accommodations must first register with the ODR to verify their eligibility by emailing
The ODR will provide eligible students with accommodation verification letters and instructions for implementation. For more information,

            “Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating of any kind, will not be tolerated and will result in both academic consequences and disciplinary action.”        (Student Handbook, p.16) I am obliged to report any dishonesty to the Dean of Academic Affairs. The grade for an assignment where there has been dishonesty       will be an F.

         Membership in the academic community depends on all members maintaining a positive learning environment in which the behavior of any individual does not disrupt teaching or learning. Disruptive behavior negatively affects the educational experience of others in the class and it is not permitted. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, arriving late or leaving early, inappropriate use of electronic devices, talking out of turn, insulting others, refusing to follow the instructor's directions, and sleeping or other overt inattentive behavior. Students who engage in disruptive behavior will be given a warning and then dismissed from class if the disruptive behavior continues.

Introduction/Syllabus Review
Introduction to Drawing for Design
Project 1 assigned
Work day
Work day
Project 1 Due
Project 2 assigned
Work day
Work day
Project 2 Due MIDTERM
Project 3 assigned
Work day
Martin Luther King Day of Service
Work day
Work day
Midterm Makeup
Final Project Assigned
Review preliminary design for final project
Work day
Work day
Final Review
Last day to turn in assignments for partial credit
The descriptions contained in this syllabus are subject to changes and updates by the professor

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